Commercial Property WEB Hero 2

    Clarity in a complex world

    Whether buying, selling, renting or developing commercial property on any scale, you can trust us to deliver the best deal.

    Landlord rights

    Whether a landlord owns just one commercial property or many, it is important that they get the right specialist legal advice to ensure that the landlord and tenant relationship is a smooth one. We aim to tailor our service to the individual client’s needs and to avoid protracted lease negotiations, whilst ensuring that landlords’ rights are protected.

    We will work with landlords who wish to let commercial property. Sometimes that letting arises out of design, but on other occasions clients simply find themselves in that situation through moving to larger premises or selling a business of which they retain the freehold. Our advice is tailored to the needs of those individual clients.

    Landlord and Tenant law is complex – we can guide you through the processes involved.

    We would aim to provide the appropriate lease in a cost effective way.  We would usually get involved once the main heads of terms (rent, extent of property and length of term) have been agreed, but would be delighted to discuss the basics of the procedure, and the points to be wary of, with prospective landlords before a tenant has been found.

    Victoria Walker Colour - LR

    For legal advice on landlord rights

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