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    When things go wrong at work, we’re here to help

    Whether you work to live or live to work, we’re here to minimise career disruption and stress.

    Disciplinary & ​grievance

    We understand that workplace disputes can cause great stress and anxiety. Our specialist team can provide the pragmatic advice and much needed support you require to help resolve that dispute. Whether you face a disciplinary, wish to raise a grievance or have been offered a settlement agreement, the right advice and assistance will ensure that you obtain the most favourable outcome.

    Disciplinary hearings

    Learning that you may face disciplinary action at work can be extremely worrying and unsettling. That is why we are on hand to provide you the help and support you require at every stage of the process. We can advise you on how best to prepare for your disciplinary hearing, including the type of evidence you should be submitting and the sort of representations you should be making. We can also advise you on your rights in respect of the disciplinary procedure as well as your right to be accompanied at the hearing itself.

    Disciplinary procedures differ hugely from employer to employer – some processes are simple while others can be complex and convoluted. Either way, the repercussions are largely the same with outcomes ranging from no action at one end of the scale to instant dismissal at the other. The right advice and assistance can make a big difference to the end result.

    Grievance hearings

    At some point in your working life you may have cause to raise a grievance against a colleague, your employer or even a third party business contact. This may relate to your pay, working conditions or the behaviour of someone towards you. We are on hand to advise you as to how to deal with your grievance in a way that ensures that it is heard and – better still – it is dealt with.

    We understand that raising a grievance can be an unnerving process. Our experienced employment law team can provide you with help and support to assist in the preparation of your initial grievance, advising you on the grievance procedure and dealing with any subsequent appeals or negotiation.

    Colour - Low Res - 20th May 2022 - 024

    For legal advice on disciplinary & grievance

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