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    When things go wrong at work, we’re here to help

    Whether you work to live or live to work, we’re here to minimise career disruption and stress.

    Employment rights

    Your rights as an employee vary depending on your employment status, length of service and your specific circumstances. Sometimes this can be quite difficult to determine. Our employment law team are on hand to clearly and accurately advise you in relation to your rights ensuring that you are treated lawfully by your employer.

    Our areas of expertise include the following:

    • Contracts of employment
    • Employment status & worker rights
    • Discrimination/less favourable treatment
    • Families and pregnancy
    • Flexible working
    • Working time and annual leave
    • Pay and benefits
    • Bonuses
    • Equal pay
    • Agency worker and temporary worker rights
    • Rights of partners, senior executives and directors
    • Part time working
    • Disciplinary hearings
    • Grievance hearings
    • Capability/performance issues
    • Harassment and bullying
    • Retirement
    • Sickness and incapacity
    • Rights on the sale/transfer of a business (TUPE)
    • Restraint of trade, non-solicitation and restrictive covenants
    • Unfair and constructive dismissal
    • Employment Tribunal claims and appeals
    Porter Dodson - Colour - Low Res - 027

    For legal advice on employee rights

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