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    Because no one can predict the future, we can help you prepare

    We’ll work with you to understand what’s important to you, advising how you can best protect your family and assets.

    Administering an estate

    We understand that everyone copes with bereavement in different ways. However you wish to proceed when dealing with the financial and practical affairs of a loved one following death, we can support and help you.

    In order to deal with the assets of someone who has died (either with or without a Will), you invariably need a Grant of Representation (GOR). If you are an executor named in the Will or an administrator under intestacy if there is no valid Will (Personal Representative) (PR), we can assist.

    We appreciate that you may want to manage the task yourself. This can be straightforward if assets are few and low in value or are jointly held. We can point you in the right direction, help you fill in the right forms and witness you sign them if you are making “a Personal Application”. If you want us to apply for the Grant of Representation for you, then we can also assist.

    If we are executors or if you need additional support as a Personal Representative, we can offer a complete service; identifying and valuing assets and liabilities, assessing Inheritance Tax (IHT), filling in all the relevant forms and applying for the Grant of Representation. Our probate solicitors can realise assets for you and/or transfer them in accordance with the Will or intestacy. We prepare detailed estate accounts clearly recording how assets and liabilities have been distributed.

    We can also advise Personal Representatives and beneficiaries on post death inheritance tax planning, including Deeds of Variation and securing a reduced inheritance tax rate if provision is to be made for charity.

    If you have a property to sell or transfer, our Property team can help. If you need to update your own Will and consider your own tax planning in light of an inheritance, then we can advise accordingly.

    For more information on our Pricing Guidelines, click here.

    Sharon Collier - Colour - Low Res - 079

    For legal advice on administering an estate

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